Saturday, September 29, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #31


1. This Heat ~ Repeat (1993) {Repeat}
2. Thrice Mice ~ Trakov (1970) {Thrice Mice}
3. Throbbing Gristle ~ Music From The Death Factory-Side One (1976) {Music From The Death Factory}
4. Tokyo Kid Brothers/J.A. Ceasar - August 1970 (Dr. Nothing Mix) (1971/1972) {Throw Away the Books, Let's Take to the Streets/Jasumon OST}
5. Tolerance ~ Pulse Static (Tranqillia) (1981) {Divin}
6. Tomorrow's Gift ~ The First Seasons After The Destruction (1970) {Tomorrow's Gift}

DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Saturday, September 22, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #30

As I'm running out of bands to play A-Z material from, I've decided to extend for the last 30 groups the limit I've imposed of 10 minutes or as close as I can get per title, to the maximum song length I have available..... just to milk this excursion length-wise as much as I can, so this week's set is only comprised of 6 tunes rather than my "usual" 8-12... So we got a little Kraut including a Holger side project, some French weirdness and all-in-all, like last week's alphabetically dictated kismetic selection, this week's fair is very mellow....VERY mellow, so sit back with your favorite herb and/or whatever else will tranquilize your mind and get ready for a long strange journey...

1. Technical Space Composer's Crew ~ Canaxis (1969) {Canaxis}
2. Terje Rypdal ~ Whenever I Seem to Be Far Away (1974) {Whenever I Seem to Be Far Away}
3. Theatre du Chene Noir ~ Hey...! (1976) {Chant Pour Le Delta, La Lune Et Le Soleil}
4. Ilitch ~ Periodikmindtrouble (1978) {Periodik Mindtrouble}
5. Third Ear Band ~ Ghetto Raga (1989) {Live Ghosts}
6. Thirsty Moon ~ Yellow Sunshine (1972) {Thirsty Moon}

DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Saturday, September 15, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #29

WHAT A CRAZILY MELLOW SHOW this week 'round! If you're in a chillun' mood, this week's podcast will do the trick... I'm doing a little something different this week as well, set-list wise. As I've said before, during this alphabetical excursion, I'm playing the solo artists by order of the first letter of their FIRST name... not last. Thus Frank Zappa is played as an "F" and not a "Z". So I played Malfatti and Wittwer back in the "M"s. I'm starting off this week with the three Steves on the list and thought I'd begin with a Stephan Wittwer (OF Malfatti and Wittwer) SOLO piece as an extra special bonus track for tonight's set  list (because I really like it)... Starting out with some classical and jass, including an orchestral piece by Steve Reich, going to a few rock bits then a couple of avaunt-garde voice based tunes... ending with the MIGHTY Tangerine Dream! I chose a long one for them! ;)

1. Stephan Wittwer ~  End Title, Extended Version, parts 1 & 2 (1983) {Der Rechte Weg 12" EP}
2. Steve Beresford ~ Spring Dips (1980) {The Bath of Surprise}
3. Steve Lacy ~ Twilight (1988) {The Window}
4. Steve Reich ~ The Four Sections: No.1, Strings (With Winds and Brass) (1990) {The Four Sections / Music for Mallet Instruments, Voices & Organ}
5. Stooges ~ We Will Fall (1969) {The Stooges}
6. Supersister ~ A Girl Named You (1971) {A Girl Named You 7"}
7. Taj-Mahal Travelers ~ The Taj-Mahal Travelers Between 7:03-7:15 P.M (1972) {July 15 , 1972}
8. Tamia ~ First Polyphony (1978) {Senza Tempo}
9. Tangerine Dream ~ Alpha Centauri (1971) {Alpha Centauri}

DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Saturday, September 8, 2012

I hate to say it, but... show again this week. Though this should be the last for a while... I almost had to work to cover the boss going camping but he didn't go. What DID happen though was my car needed all but $50 of this paycheck in repairs and I'm out of blank CD's, and as I record the show ahead of time from MP3's on my computer (odds on one disc and evens on the other so I DO still mix it live in the studio, though only with two discs), I literally couldn't afford a new spindle of them, as I have $75 to last two weeks. I can't even re-up my phone minutes either until then, so I have to drive to the studio to let the DJ before me know I won't be in and to kick the automation we use to cover the late night slots on early... *sad day in Mudville*

Saturday, September 1, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #28


1. Selten Gehörte Musik ~ Side B (1973) {Berliner Dichterworkshop}
2. Semool ~ Essai 1 (1971) {Essais}
3. Silberbart ~ God (1971) {4 Times Sound Razing}
4. Siloah ~ Mit Tiny Nach Tanger (1970) {Säureadler}
5. Smegma ~ Pigs for Lepers (1982) {Pigs for Lepers}
6. Snatch ~ Shopping for Clothes (1980) {Shopping for Clothes}
7. Soft Machine ~ Virtually (1990) {The Peel Sessions}
8. Sonny Sharrock ~ Peanut (1969) {Black Woman}
9. Sperm ~ Jazz Jazz (1970) {Shh! Heinäsirkat}
10. Sphinx Tush ~ Crashville (1970) {Pop & Blues Festival '70}

DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")