Saturday, July 28, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #23

With installment lucky #23... It's another really inaccessible playlist this week... Lots of Concrete, Improv, Free Jazz and a little Prog/Psych weirdness. And as long as I don't talk too much as I always do, we (my homonculous flying cat-monkeys and myself) JUST... Might>>> be able to complete all of the O's and the final N as I tried to complete all of the N's and the final M last week........ (don'tcountonit)

1. Nu Creative Methods ~ Orphean Veranda (1981) {Le Marchand De Calicot}
2. Oktober ~ Mainspring (1976) {Uhrsprung}
3. Operating Theatre (Roger Doyle) ~ Fin-Estra (1981) {Rapid Eye Movements}
4. Operation Rhino ~ Face B1 - Improvisation 1. Suite (1976) {FĂȘte De Politique Hebdo Lyon 76}
5. Opus Avantra ~ R.E.M. (1989) {Strata}
6. Orchid Spangiafora ~ Dime Operation (1979) {Flee Past's Ape Elf}
7. Osamu Kitajima ~ Whoma ~ Immortality (1974) {Benzaiten}
8. Out of Focus ~ World's End (1970) {Wake Up!}
9. Ovary Lodge ~ Sylphs in Pisces (1973) {Ovary Lodge}

DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Saturday, July 21, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #22

I'm cramming ALL of the N's into the show tonight along with the final M that I didn't have time for last week... I will not cut if I go over like I usually do, I'll just have a long show if I must. I was short 20 minutes a few weeks back so this can make up for it. As well, this is probably the least accessible play-list I've had in this A-Z excursion yet. Out of 11 pieces, all are rock (Kraut and other  Prog) or Jass except for 3 noise pieces later on... including the supposed world's first noise band: The Nihilist Spasm band, formed in the 60's and from North Canadia... ENJOY!

1. Mythos ~ Encyclopedia Terra Part 1 (1971) {Mythos}
2. Napoli Centrale ~ Vecchie, Mugliere, Muorte E Criaturi (1975) {Napoli Centrale}
3. Negativland ~ We Are Driven (1993) {Free}
4. Neu! ~ Negativland (1972) {Neu!}
5. New Phonic Art ~ Begegnung in Baden-Baden Version II (1971) {New Phonic Art}
6. Nico ~ Heros (2003) {Femme Fetale}
7. Night Sun ~ Got a Bone of My Own (1972) {Mournin'}
8. Nihilist Spasm Band ~ Indecision Of The Night (2006) {No Nihilist Spasm Band In Mulhouse}
9. Nine Day's Wonder ~ Fermillon (1970) {Nine Day's Wonder}
10. Nosferatu ~ No. 4 (1970) {Nosferatu}

DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Saturday, July 14, 2012

More no broadcast...

I suck... No show again tonight... I did a fill in show earlier this evening for another DJ and am now too tired per my sleep this weekend has been blocky and thin. So, SUCK IT UP!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

No Show...

So when I showed up at the locked studio at midnight... no one answered the door or the phone, so I couldn't broadcast this week.....