Friday, March 30, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #11

WOW, this week brings us an odd, odd group of artists. Mostly ambient pieces and sound collages with only a few bits that are actually melodious. I LOVE IT! Finishing the F's, we have the mighty guitarists Frank Zappa and Fred Frith, a side project from Paul Revere and the Raiders as well as one from Pete Shelley, and of course a couple of Krautrock acts. On a side note, there may be in the coming weeks a few missed sessions here and there, as it looks like I'm getting a job that may interfere with my regular Irregular programming. I hope to remedy this by getting a different one that I am also up for that would hopefully counter this... But if that second gig falls through, I may have to move time slots to something earlier, though I do have an alternative plan that would have me on-air on irregular nights from 2Am to 4AM... We'll see how this all fleshes out. Oh, and as stated last week, I inadvertantly skipped Family Fodder, so I'm starting this week's installment with them, out of order..... ;(

1. Family Fodder ~ Dinosaur Sex (1981) {Schizophrenia Party EP}
2. Frank Köllges ~ Brotmaschine - Vom schnapferen Teiderlein  --- R.I.P. (* 18.11.1952 Düsseldorf - † 01.01.2012 Neuss)
3. Frank Zappa ~ The Ocean is the Ultimate Solution (1979) {Sleep Dirt}
4. Franz De Byl ~ I Got Trouble (1972) {Und}
5. Fred Frith ~ The Palace of Laughter, The Technology of Tears (1988) {The Technology of Tears}
6. Free Agents ~ Untitled 1 (1980) {£3.33}
7. Friederich Gulda ~ Duo 2 Gulda/Anders (1976) {Gegenwart}
8. Friendsound ~ The Empire of Light² (1969) {Joyride}
9. Fritz Müller ~ Fritz Müller Traum (1977) {Fritz Müller Rock}

PODCAST: DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Friday, March 23, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #10

Let me start this post with saying that YES, I made a couple of mistakes... Half way through this week's broad/pod-cast I realized that I had not included Family Fodder and will now just have to do so at the beginning of next weeks' cast... REALLY annoying to me, but, that's the way it goes. Also, I've seen a couple different versions of the list apparently over the years, as I've noticed several artists while putting this together over the last 10 weeks that I had SWORN I've seen included, suddenly NOT included on the several versions of the list online that I peruse. I've caught them in the past and disgarded them, but this week I kinda almost missed one. "Frame", the Kraut band again, I SWEAR was included before and now it isn't. I caught it before playing the tune that I chose, but then began to play it on-air anyway...... I caught it though before the 1st verse and stopped it. Still.... Live radio, what cha gonna doo??

1. Exmagma ~ The First Tune (1973) {Exmagma}
2. Faust ~ Chromatic (1998) {71 Minutes}
3. Fernando Grillo ~ Fluvine3 (1976) {Fluvine}
4. Fille Qui Mousse ~  Annal-Mandrake-Cool non imperial News (1971/1994) {Se Taire Pour Une Femme Trop Belle}
5. Floh De Cologne ~ Satz, Danse Macabre (Totentanz) (1972) {Geier-Symphonie}
6. Flying Lizards ~ Money (original vinyl version) (1979) {The Flying Lizards}
7. Foodbrain ~ The Hole In The Sausage (1970) {Social Gathering}
8. Förklädd Gud ~ Hopplös Flamenco (1977) {Jazz I Sverige 77}
9. Frame ~ All I Really Want Explain (1972) {Frame of Mind}
10. Franco Battiato ~ Pollution (1972) {Pollution}

PODCAST: DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Friday, March 16, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #9

We're (my Homunculus Manitous and myself) finishing the D's AND all of the E's tonight. Only 5 E's and they're all, save a French Jazz act, Kraut groups. In fact 6 of the 10 acts featured tonight are. We also have a little avantgarde experimental noise and really that's about it per genre this time around. Kraut, Noise and a little Jazz... Although technically, Kraut is more of a movement comprised of many different genres' explored by German musicians... but that's splitting hairs. Oh, one of the albums I've drawn from was recorded in the 70's for an unproduced film about the Viking Mars Mars probe and not released until the 00's and one of the acts is of mysterious origins....... (did those two hooks pique your interest enough to draw you in?) .......Should be a fun show.

1. Dies Irae ~ Witches Meeting (1971) {First}
2. Dome ~ The Red Tent 1&2 (1980) {Dome 2}
3. Don Bradshaw Leather ~ Distance Between Us Part 2 (1972) {Distance Between Us}
4. The Doo-Dooettes ~The Immense Depths In The Sky That We Cannot Realize (1976/2001) {Think Space}
5. Dzyan ~ Back To Where We Came From (1974) {Electric Silence}
6. Eiliff ~ Uzzek Of Rigel IV (1971) {Eiliff}
7. Emtidi ~ Die Reise (1972) {Saat}
8. Eroc ~ Chaotic Reaction + Norderland (1975) Eroc Eins
9. Etron Fou Leloublan ~ Le Fleuve Et Le Manteau (1985) {En Public Aux États Unis d'Amérique}

Per time constraints (I talk too much) I'm saving Exmagma, the final group in the E's until next week.

PODCAST: DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Friday, March 9, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #8

This week we begin (and for all but 5 acts, end) the D's, and I've run into a chunk of groups with the most short pieces offered yet. As I've said before, I'm trying to feature tunes as close to 10 minutes each as I can and have so far been mostly successful. But another weird pattern emerged with this set and it offered me more than half the groups with no songs (that I have anyway) reaching the 10 minute mark... in fact 5 of them are about average length for "normal" radio fare. Another noisey week though with some punk, a piece of sound poetry, a couple of concrete pieces and some free jazz. The first act featured is one of only two on the entire list that has only a single recorded piece in existence. Though to be fair, the other one, Sphinx Tush has two different versions of their lone number, so Dadazuzu is definitely the lone songman, so to speak...

1. Dadazuzu and Lerryn ~ Lehrlings-Machtgebeat (1969) {Lehrlinge Zusammenhalten}
2. David Cunningham ~ Error System (EFGA) (1977) {Grey Scale}
3. Debris' ~ Static Disposal (1976) {Static Disposal}
4. Decayes ~ Ich Bin Ein Spiegelei (1978) {Ich Bin Ein Spiegelei}
5. Dedalus ~ Santiago (1973) {Dedalus}
6. Deep Freeze Mice ~ A Trillion Sprods (1984) {I Love You Little Bobo With Your Delicate Golden Lions}
7. Demetrio Stratos ~ Metrodora (1976) {Metrodora}
8. Der Plan ~ Gefaehrliche Clowns (Manische-Depressiv) (1980) {Geri Reig}
9. Deutsch-Amerikanische Freundschaft ~ Mein Herz Macht Bum (1981) {Alles ist gut}
10. Dharma Quintet ~ End Starting (1971) {End Starting}

PODCAST: DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")


Friday, March 2, 2012

NWW List A-Z Installment #7

So it appears that what happened last week was when I input the 1st blank CD into my DVD ROM drive to burn for the show, I accidentally chose "Burn Data Disc" from the pop-up window without realizing it and the CD drives in the station's on-air studio didn't know what the hell to do with them.... So this week we press on. Finishing the C's, we have a somewhat noisy show tonight with a couple of really long pieces, pushing the 20 minute mark.

1. Come ~ Shaved Slits 2 (1980) {Rampton}
2. Companyia Elèctrica Dharma ~ Ones Nones (1976) {L´oucomballa}
3. Comus ~ Drip Drip (1971) {First Utterance}
4. Cornucopia ~ Spot on You, Kids (1973) {Full Horn}
5. Costin Miereanu ~ Parte Prima (seconda) (1975) {Luna Cinese}
6. Crass ~ The Swan Song (1984) {10 Notes on a Summer's Day}
7. Creative Rock ~ It's Alright (1974) {Lady Pig}
8. Cromagnon ~ Crow of the Black Tree (1969) {Orgasm}
9. Cupol ~ 3.4... (1980) {8 Time}

PODCAST: DOWNLOAD HERE (right-click and choose, "Save link as...")